22/4/17 Wetherby parkrun 93
Thy parkrun cometh and that right soon
07:30 Alarm
07:31 Check to see if legs have reattached after snapping them off with too hard training during week. Feel ok after loosener run last night and legs seem to be hanging from my bottom well enough
07:35 Put the coffee in the coffee pot and drink it all up
07:40 Don club vest. Last chance to beat 73% WAVA as cannot do another Wetherby parkrun this month.
07:41 Realise have forgotten tracksuit bottoms. Hope it's warm!
07:45 Given order from Sophia to pick up worming tablets from vets after parkrun. Unsure if worming tablets are for Bella the cat or me
08:00 Wiggle it, just a little bit, come on and wiggle it, just a little bit. Glutes: READY!
08:30 Skoda DJ selects "You're the voice" by John Farnham for motivation. Not bad, Skoda DJ, not bad
08:35 Hit *every* high note in song and definitely sound like international pop star rather than 60-year smoker with vocal polyps who is tone-deaf
08:45 Meet Martin from Horsforth Fellandale in car park and walk to sports assoc together. Leave Tom setting up pushchair for Thor
08:50 Detonate small nuclear device in toilets of sports association. Sorry, footballers, but you need to toughen up anyway. *Football?!* sheesh
09:00 PARKRUN!!
09:00:01 2 runners blister away from start
09:00:30 2 runners who blistered away
now appear to be running backwards. Settle in to 2nd behind Steve Boynton herein known as "The Nemesis" with a PB about 40 seconds better than mine
09:07 Hear The Nemesis catching me. Trying to hold on!
09:07:30 Offer marshals bribes of money, cakes or my body to trip up The Nemesis or send him wrong way. None go for it. Especially not the body offer
09:08 Passed by Nemesis, ah well, it was good whilst it lasted! Try to tuck in behind Nemesis, but soon starts pulling away from me
09:10 Watch Nemesis slowly extend lead. Now have to concentrate on keeping pace up
09:18summat. See finish, must sprint hard, prosecco is at stake!!
09:19summat. Probably a PB but no sub 19 and no significant WAVA improvement.
09:22ish Photographising
09:30 Debrief with fellow Fellandalers
09:40 BACON!
10:05 Text message: Scott, your time in position 2 at Wetherby parkrun was 19:18. Well done on a new PB. Hot damn! You are good. Would you please be our poster-boy for parkrun?!
11:30 Ensure prosecco is in fridge because it's parkrun law
11:35 Calves deliver very long, loud, ranty lecture to me detailing my abuse of them over many years. Ignore calves because........NEW PB!!!!
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parkrun. All one word, all lower case #aowalc |
I love that everyone is welcome. I love that at my first parkrun there was a 30+ stone man working *really* hard to improve his health. I love that Jonathan Brownlee holds the course record at York. I love that there are kids with their parents and dogs with their humans. I love that I can use it for rehab after an injury. I love that there is often cake. I love that I have an exclusive card that gives me access to hundreds of events the world over. I love that anyone who wants it can have that same access. I love that people happily volunteer to be VI guides. I love that I paced my friend to her first ever sub 30 time. I love having a profile with all my stats. I love that I can run a course of any kind: grass, tarmac, mud, hills and every combination of the above. I love that I can run them around lakes, coastlines, castles, stately homes, housing estates, sports fields, a ninja turtle shaped-park and other countries. I love the shirts that I am working to earn. I love staying with my camera until the final finisher to make sure everyone gets a photo. I love that there are people that only volunteer and don't run because they know how special it is. I love that there are so many people so dedicated to their parkruns and I love that there are people that only go tourist. I love that it's free. I love being able to race and get a time. I love that there are people as happy to break 50 minutes as 20 minutes. I love the diversity. I love that we all get to share it together. I love Saint Sinton-Hewitt for having set this all in motion and keeping it on the right path. I love that toddlers mix with teens that mix with the middle-aged that mix with the elderly, and I love that everyone of them is a parkrunner. I love that people walk and wheel and limp and sprint and smile at parkrun. I love that former olympic athletes take part. I love buying a bacon sarnie and mug of tea in the sports association after the run and chatting to everyone and I love that the money goes towards the sports association. I love the marshals that cheer me on. I love a PB. I love a milestone.
I love the parks
I love the running
I LOVE parkrun!
Wetherby parkrun 92 15/4/17
I parkrun, therefore I am
05:30 Woken by Sophia having conversation with the cat. Cat does not respond, but like to think she's saying, "Shut up, Scott is trying to get a good rest before parkrun"
07:30 Alarm, coffee
07:35 Disaster! Realise have forgotten long sleeved top to go under club vest. Going to be a chilly one...
07:45 Give all boys in yard a flavoured milk-based beverage and throw them out before starting hip wiggling exercises
07:50 Eye up choccy egg that will be reward for today's run
08:10 Skoda DJ trying to select motivating song, but being rubbish. Eventually settle on "Don't you forget about me" by Simple minds- 80s classic, if not very motivating lyrics
08:10 HEY HEY HEY! Ooooooooooh, wooooooh!
08:40 Lots more Fellandalers turn up to run! Yay clubmates!
08:45 Recognise several very fast runners from Woodhouse Moor parkrun which has been cancelled today
08:57 Freezing mammaries off in vest and shorts! Pleased by reduction in body-weight
09:00:10 Surprised to be passed by Fellandale vest being worn by second-claimer Patrick! My fell race times are a little quicker than his,but he soon disappears in to the distance!
09:05 Need to beat 18:55 to get WAVA of 73% and take lead in Fellandale parkrun champs
09:10 Not feeling it! Trying not to die! Patrick continues to get smaller in distance
09:18summat Final push. Glance at watch. Sub 19 is out, but PB is on. Need good sprint!
09:19:** Complete sprint and collapse through line. Garmin is inconclusive. Need to wait for text!
09:25 Photies! Cute doggy shots galore!
09:40 BACON!
10:15 Text message: Scott, your time in position 10 today at Wetherby parkrun was 19:20. Well done on a new PB. You are the most awesomest parkrunner that ever did awesome at a parkrun. A NEW ALL-TIME PB!!!!!! BY ONE WHOLE COMPLETE...........WAIT FOR IT..........1 SECOND!
11:00 Arrive back at house and place gigantic bottle of prosecco in fridge for celebration!
11:30-13:30 Reports, editing photographs, shower etc, etc, BLAH BLAH BLAH, who cares? I GOT A PB!!!!!!!!!!!!
23:23 Mega pleased with PB as fitness still to gain and fatness still to lose!
Wetherby parkrun 91 8/4/17
My parky-warky run
05:00 Woken up for umpteenth time by Sophia sniffling/coughing/sighing. Try to summon up nurse sympathy. Unable to. Roll over and go back to sleep
07:30-40 Alarm. Set coffee machine. Put on Fellandale vest
08:00 Consciously avoid writing anything about bathroom habits to stop feeding sick addictions of parkrun discussion group regulars
08:01 And "regular" wasn't a reference to anything before you all start
08:10 Spend some time wiggling hips in suggestive fashion to appease physio gods. Go outside to find all boys in yard asking for milkshake
08:30 Arrive in Wetherby with Skoda DJ having utterly failed to select motivating song. Slap self in face to manually add adrenaline.
08:35 Fellow parkrunner: "OH! You're barefoot, no wait, they're socks, or are they? they're running shoes are they? I think?!?"
Me: "They're vibram five fingers"
Fellow parkrunner: "."
08:40 DISASTER! Have forgotten GPS watch! And if it ain't on Strava.....
08:45 Test out bare feet. Bit too bumpy and dry- feet not yet up to it. Put on vivobarefoot trainers instead
08:50 Pleased to see other Fellandale team members have turned out for the club parkrun championship. Now have to try to get highest WAVA score!
09:05 Boynton boys disappear into distance, apart from Steve Boynton, who is just in front (He always stays there too!)
09:05-09:19ish Feeling great. Able to run much smoother and faster than I have in a long while. Baffled as thought had done too much hard training too close to parkrun to run well!
09:15 Actually have enough energy on last lap to "give it some welly" Feel like have managed to run even splits for once rather than getting progressively slower. Curse self again for forgetting watch.
09:20 Completely forget that I need to give barcode to lovely scanner volunteer who is looking at me puzzled. Manage to fish card out of back of shorts and hold well away from poor volunteer
09:20:05 Ask timer what time I did. 19:30ish she says. Hmmmm, think the timers might be wrong this week?? Clang cowbell of cloud 9 just to be safe
09:25 Start taking photos
09:40 Women working very hard to finish her run is approached by her son who is shouting "Mum, mum, I beat my Dad and brother"
Mum gasps: "That's good" as she keeps putting in huge effort to finish
"Come on Mum!"
"I AM coming!"
"Oh Mum, you're so slow"
"I know"
09:50 BACON!
10:26 Text message. Scott, your time in position 7 at Wetherby parkrun was 19:28. You are tremendous. You run parkrun so bigly. You're making parkrun great again.
11:00 Arrive back at house. Sophia: "What's it like outside?"
Me: "Just like inside, only bigger"
12:00 Shock of smashing this years PB, my post break PB, being 56 seconds faster than last week and only being 7 seconds outside my all-time PB sinks in. Pick self up off floor.
Wetherby parkrun No90 1/4/17
A 2nd anniversary parkrun day
07:30 Alarm set a little earlier to ensure campness of exercises is extra camp as per biomechanical guy's instructions
07:35 Coffee machine primed with TNT coffee
07:40 Put on club vest and regulation blue shorts as Wetherby is Fellandale's designated parkrun championship course for April,
08:20 Leave nice and early for parkrun with Sophia who has volunteered today for Wetherby's 2nd anniversary run
08:22 Skoda DJ obviously knows it's April the 1st and chooses "A Town called Malice" as I head to Wetherby. Jokes on you, Skoda DJ, it's an excellent song for raising spirits despite the lyrics!
08:30 As we walk from car park Sophia asks, "Where's the cakes?" Head back to car for lemon drizzle slices I baked to celebrate the anniversary
08:35 Arrive at parkrun and try to find area out of sight to mince through exercises
08:40 Test out barefoot running to see if can run on blister caused by hill sprints earlier in week. Test failed, put on vivobarefoot trainers
08:50 Laugh at crazy black lab pelting in and out of gathered runners
09:00 ED Dawe rants about the fact it's an anniversary run and she is the only one in fancy dress (as Lara croft; we were all praying the guns were fake)
09:03 PARKRUN!
09:04 Settle in to 4th place
09:05-09:22ish Try to do even splits instead of recent increasingly slower splits as run goes on
09:22 ish. Finish with "sprint. Celebrate 2017/PB PB by clanging Cowbell of cloud 9 then eat own lemon drizzle slice
09:23 Runner 1 place behind me tells me how he couldn't quite catch me but had been chasing me all the way around. Then says he got a big PB. I take full credit for this. Me, all me
09:25 Camera showing error code! Forgotten memory card! No photos today :(
09:45 Bacon sanger for me, sausage and fried egg for Sophia
09:50 Joseph the whippet sneaks up behind me and sticks nose into bacon sarnie, cheeky little monkey; and after all the doggy snacks I've given him!
10:15 Text message. Scott, your time in position 4 today at Wetherby parkrun was 20:24. All the other parkrunners agreed that you were today's sexiest runner
10:20 Celebrate a PBPB of 36 seconds and a Wetherby PBPB of 46 seconds.
10:30 Inform umpteenth person that *I* made the lemon drizzle slices *not* Sophia. #everydaysexism
11:30. Discover camera does in fact have memory card in it, error code was because lens was not correctly fitted. Whoooooops
12:00 Cuppa proper Yorkshire tea aaaaaaand relax
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